Zeus Leads
Zeus Leads

We're here to help you close more business

Unlock targeted B2B and B2C leads at affordable prices. Bulk pricing gives you access to high-quality leads for data-driven businesses.

B2B & B2C sales intelligence platform

Data-driven insights for targeting prospects, generating leads, and closing deals.

Buy Business & Consumer Leads

We are adding new data sets to constantly enrich the data to improve the lead selection criteria. With a database of over 3.4M leads, we have the audience you're looking to reach.

Custom Audience Lists

Easily find thousads of records in our pre-built custom audiences, such as B2B Healthcare, B2B Oil and Gas, B2B Real Estate, Home Owners, Solar Leads and more.

Search By Multiple Parameters

NAICS codes, Location, Demographics (e.g. Homeowner with Children), Company Owner Age, Number of Employees, Business Type (e.g. Dentists, Doctors, Insurance, etc).

CSV Format

Get instant delivery of data in your inbox in an easy-to-use CSV format. More formats are coming soon.

Lower Pricing

Our proprietary platform offers bulk pricing on leads to reduce your cost of acquisition, starting at just $0.045/lead.

Data Compliance

Zeus Leads is GDPR, CCPA, and PCI compliant to ensure privacy and security.

Competitor Pricing Comparison

Type of Data
Zeus Leads (Us)
Business and Consumer
$0.05 per record
$1.00 per record
Constant Contact
$0.15 per record
$0.75 per record
Sales and Marketing
$0.40 per record

Ready to Supercharge Your Business?

Sign up today for access to the most affordable, high-quality leads to power your sales pipelines.